
V. Castro is a two time Bram Stoker award nominated writer born in San Antonio, Texas, to Mexican American parents. She’s been writing horror stories since she was a child, always fascinated by Mexican folklore and the urban legends of Texas. Castro now lives in the United Kingdom with her family.

Represented by Beth Marshea from Ladderbird Lit (All things book related)

Represented By Brett Etre at Untitled Entertainment (TV/Film)

Please contact Violet Castro for merchandise and collaboration queries.

Twitter: @vlatinalondon

Instagram: @vlatinalondon

Tik Tok: @vcastrobooks

Spotify: VCastro (Get all the book playlists)

Email: vvcastro100 (at) gmail (dot) com.

  • Design by Cassie Daley

    Logo, Besos, Hairspray and Switchblades, Lobo

  • Las Posadas book cover by Grim Poppy

  • Other designs by V. Castro

  • Design by Jose Barrientos

    The FANTASTIC La Lechuza!

    IG @hermanopower
